Italy International Center

Promoting International Understanding and Collaboration Through the Arts

Italy International Center (IIC) is an arts organization dedicated to curating traveling exhibits that promote international understanding and collaboration. With our curated traveling exhibitions we want to find commonalities in our visions, celebrate the richness of our diverse imaginations and invite all participants to collaborate in making the world a more connected and friendly place.

CALL FOR ENTRY : Postcards From Utopia

The IIC is accepting works for their curated exhibition “Postcards From Utopia”. This traveling exhibition was at the historic Phillippi Crest Club in Sarasota, Florida in January of 2024. It will be shown in a sixteenth century palazzo in the ancient town of Alvito, Lazio, Italy in September of 2024. Further countries and venues are currently being determined. Watch this space.

Everyone is searching for Utopia, and the IIC is calling on individuals to submit their vision of it on a postcard. People have dreamt of Utopia for centuries, imagining it to be a haven of a beautiful life, bringing together nature, history and community. We would like you to send us your images of what Utopia looks like to you. They can be symbolic or humorous, abstract or photographic. The accompanying writing can be poetic or literal, metaphorical or technical. All media are accepted as long as you can stay within the size format of a postcard.

The selected artworks will be featured in a traveling exhibition and in IIC publications. The postcards will also be exhibited on the IIC’s website/Instagram account.

How to submit:

  1. Create a postcard that depicts your idea of Utopia.

  1. Postcards need to be standard international sizes so they can legally be mailed: no larger than 23.5 x 12 cm or 9.25 x 4.72 inches, and no smaller than 9 x 14cm or 3.5 x 5 inches.

  2. Write a message on the back of your postcard. Both sides of the postcard will be displayed, the art/image side and the note/writing/address side. Both sides should be considered part of the work of art. Include maker’s name, where the work was created, and date.

    For example: Giacomo Smith, Fairbanks, Alaska, September 23, 2023 so we can give credit at all times.

  1. Add a stamp. if you mail the card in an envelope, you can create a fictional mailing address, and can make your own stamp. Best to send your postcard in an envelope: PO Box 173, Placida, Florida, 33946 USA Do NOT require a signature for the letter to be received.

  2. Submit an electronic copy (clean, clear, correct perspective) version of front and back of the postcard for our website exhibition at

  3. Send a 20 word bio to

In addition to the physical exhibitions, works will be displayed on the IIC website and the Postcards.from.Utopia Instagram, and possibly become part of an IIC publication.

Due to the nature of an international traveling exhibition, the possibility of loss or damage to works in transport, the cost of insurance and the complexities and expenses of shipping works, the art works will not be returned and will become property of the IIC.